The age of audio – How brands can benefit from podcasts

The age of audio – How brands can benefit from podcasts
  • 4 reasons why podcasts will make your brand a thought leader in your market and beyond.

New York City, NY – 25 February 2020 – Since arriving on the scene in 2005, podcasting as a medium has seen a staggering growth in popularity.

A recent study from Podcast Insights revealed that, in January this year, there were a total of 850,000 podcasts available to download, with 62 million weekly listeners in the US alone.

For perspective on the growth, in June 2018, Apple confirmed that there were 550,000 podcasts on the iTunes Store.

Although remarkable, this isn’t surprising. More and more of us see podcasts as the ideal format for getting our daily dose of news, entertainment or storytelling. The opportunities are boundless, and businesses are quickly catching on.

Here are 4 reasons why podcasts can help make your brand a thought leader in your market and beyond.

“We’re pivoting to the age of audio. If you haven’t got podcasting in your organisation yet, get it.” –

Richard Sambrook, former Director of
BBC News and Chairman of DMA Media

1. Industry expertise

Whether you’re in an industry full of tradition or one constantly evolving, a podcast could be one of your most effective educational tools for both B2B and B2C marketing.

Regular episodes of well packaged content can help establish authority and thought leadership in your market. Customers want a company that knows the industry, so podcasts are a perfect springboard for building that trust.

Of course, for this to work you need to ensure your podcast is delivering real value. If your offering information or education, you need to give a reason for people to come back for more.

The Auto Futures podcast gets to grips with the future of mobility by interviewing CEO’s and influencers from across the whole automotive sector. This ranges from guests who are contacts and connections to companies who would be dream clients.

2. Easy to absorb

When it comes to content marketing, your audience’s attention is your most valuable commodity.

That means that you can’t expect consumers to watch extended video interviews or read blogs when accessing content from your brand.

Podcasts are a perfect alternative. By transforming bigger stories into easily digestible audio versions, you’re giving your audience engaging stories that are easy to absorb.

For example, Last month PwC commissioned a series of podcasts, Davos Talks, produced by DMA Media. Each episode, guests were invited to discuss the biggest themes from Davos live from the World Economic Forum, covering topics such as global warming and AI and employment.

3. Brand awareness

Like all content, the aim of podcasts is to build strong foundations among an audience who know your brand and bridge the gap to those who don’t.

The difference here is that podcasts provide a platform to show an alternative side to your business, which means that you’ll stay top-of-mind for customers.

Mattress company Casper for example, has a branded podcast called In Your Dreams, hosted by comedian Chris Gethard, which discusses the mysteries and science of sleep.

It’s a great example of a company broadening the brand and industry through audio storytelling.

4. A special connection

Building a relationship with your audience is key for any business, and people are more likely to engage with something familiar than unknown.

These two home truths are exactly why podcasts stand out. Interviews with your CEO or CFO give ample opportunity to show a human side to your company.

What’s more, listeners typically consume podcasts in intimate settings, during commutes, work outs or in their own homes.

From a business perspective, there’s hardly a better moment to give value insights and thought leadership to audiences.