Bill Marriott Challenges You to a Cook-Off

Bill Marriott Challenges You to a Cook-Off

(Bethesda, USA – July 24th, 2012) So you think you can cook? Bill Marriott is holding his first cook-off challenge. Using random ingredients, can you whip up a delicious meal? Send him a photo and recipe and he will declare a winner.

“This began as a contest among Marriott European chefs,” said Bill Marriott, Executive Chairman, Marriott International. “I want to open it up to all cooks. Be creative with the ingredients.”

Bill Marriott Cook off Challenge

How to enter:
Prepare a meal using only the ingredients listed above.
Send a photo and brief description via email or Facebook.
All entries will be posted to Facebook’s Marriott International page
Entry deadline: August 15th

Winning entry:
The winner will receive a congratulatory phone call from Bill Marriott.

Bill Marriott’s idea for a cook-off was inspired by the region-wide cooking contest in Marriott kitchens across Europe. Teams of chefs were given a box filled with random ingredients that they used to create a three-course meal. The Forest of Arden, a Marriott Hotel & Country Club in Birmingham, England came out on top. Their meal consisted of a trio of salmon as a starter, a taster of game as the entrée, and a lemon meringue tart with raspberry mayonnaise strawberry sorbet and Chantilly cream for dessert.

You can read more about the cook-off on Bill Marriott’s blog: